Wasn’t it JUST September like, yesterday?
Didn’t I JUST write a letter to Lily on her 1st day of First Grade?
And yet, somehow, here we are. I guess it’s no surprise that time has passed so quickly. The school year was a flurry of exciting and memorable events and activities!
I had so many hopes for my sweet girl as she took her first bus ride to her first full day year of school. I want her to become an avid reader, a motivated learner and a classroom leader. I wanted her to love her teacher and to make new friends while keeping current friendships strong.
She has done all of those things and more.
And now it’s June.
The contents of Lily’s school desk have traveled home in her backpack and are now dumped across my kitchen table.
The 2nd grade school supply list that was tucked in with her report card is anxiously awaiting the start of Back to School sales (EEEK!).
I somehow managed to sneak our Dr. Seuss book to Lily’s teacher for its 5th signing and she penned the sweetest note to my girl.
Her teacher also tucked the sweetest poem into report card envelopes, one which totally made me tear up.
And so, as we embark on the Summer of ’16, we close another important chapter in our lives. It was such a wonderful one!!
Here’s to a relaxing Summer filled with swimming and play and camping and horse shows and theatre camp! Then ahead to the Fall when we’ll have a 2nd grader and (perhaps even more incredible) a FIRST TIME PRESCHOOLER. (!!!!!!!!)
I hope your kiddos have had a wonderful school year and I wish you a Summer full of sweet memories and time to recharge!
I’ll be back in September, with some more sappy sentiments about time passing too quickly, with first day of school pictures featuring TWO (TWO!!!) kids!
More Summer fun you might enjoy…